Kate Wade, DB Green
DB Green is a local non-profit organisation, which supports and promotes public awareness and environmental education by concentrating on Discovery Bay’s environmental and local culture. Discovery Bay is well known throughout Hong Kong for having a reputation for being a “Green Community”.
This unique area attracts hundreds of expatriate and local residents alike for numerous reasons. The main reasons being that DB reflects a haven for nature lovers and an environmentally friendly residence. On weekends and public holidays, countless visitors from other districts of Hong Kong make day trips with their families to Discovery Bay to experience this distinctive atmosphere.
Kate has been instrumental in organising and promoting events through a local environmental organisation in Discovery Bay, DB Green, that promotes recycling, tree planting, and beach clean ups.
The issues DB Green is addressing are the lack of organised environmental efforts among the residents of Discovery Bay and inadequate action on recycling.
Kate was moved to take action by the large amount of interest among other members of the DB community, as well as her personal conviction.
DB Green began February 2007 and is ongoing. Kate invests several hours of time each week in the project, and has a group of 15 regular volunteers who also invest several hours per week. There are approximately 230 families who are members of the group. Kate and the volunteers have had to learn about recycling, beach clean ups, and how to deal with different groups in Hong Kong. They have received some help from cleaning contractors and local building management.
They have had to overcome a lack of awareness or incorrect ideas in the community about recycling. A personal desire to make a difference and support from other passionate volunteers has keep Kate going.
Nearly 1000 trees were planted last year and eight beach clean ups were organised throughout the year- including a couple of emergency cleanups in response to Typhoon Hagupit in September 2008. DB Green engages and educates the larger DB community about recycling, especially schoolchildren and have held a major recycling event in the DB plaza for the whole community.
<a href=”http://www.dbgreen.org/”>Welcome to DB Green</a>