Ho Chau Wing, Personal Dedication to Environmental Protection
Ho Chau Wing lives in a remote area of Hong Kong called Sha Tau Kok, where the electricity supply from Mainland China is not stable while being very expensive. This initiated him to source a new and more stable electricity supply.
In 2001 he began setting up an environmentally-friendly home as a result. He has installed a solar water heater, he collects kitchen waste for composting, stores the rainwater for irrigation and has built a green roof for heat isolation and energy saving too.
Mr Ho’s electricity issue motivated him not only to find energy from other sources, and save electricity, but also and reduce waste too.
The project is ongoing.
Mr Ho has found that the equipment is costly, a cost he has born while bearing in mind that some of his investment can be recouped through the savings in his electricity and other energy bills.
He has researched many different forms of energy efficiency and in the process of setting up his eco-home has learnt how to install a solar water heater, modified the water pipes to save usage, that worm composting is more efficient than traditional composting, and how to operate a wind turbine too.
He is planning to install a wind turbine and buy a hybrid car soon.
While his family has been a massive support to him, he has found that there is little technical support available to individual consumers in Hong Kong.
I’ve shared my experience with my colleagues and encouraging them to implement these measures at home.
Contact: fx3282@yahoo.com